Oct 20, 2021
Today, many Christians either mix law and grace or remain entirely under the law. The law was given exclusively to Israel and was never intended for 21st-century Gentile Christians. Moreover, the law of Moses and the Ten Commandments ended at the cross (Romans 10:4). Discover how to free yourself from legalism...
Jul 24, 2021
Do you need to confess your sins to God for Him to forgive you? In other words, if you confess, God will forgive, but if you don't, He won't. Or does 1 John 1:9 have a completely different meaning and purpose? Listen in as Mike and Kevin discuss the most misunderstood verse in the New Testament.
Jun 26, 2021
The church of born-again believers began at Pentecost when 3000 Jews received the Holy Spirit. Later, Peter was astonished to see Gentiles receive the Spirit too (Acts 10:45). God's plan was to unite Jews and Gentiles through Jesus, bringing peace (Romans 10:12). Curious to know more?
Apr 28, 2021
Our sense of identity is crucial in shaping our actions and lifestyle, yet it's constantly evolving. In contrast, Jesus offers a permanent, unchanging identity when we place our faith in Him and are born again. Christ dwells within us, granting us new life and a righteousness that makes us perfect and holy in His...